The BSR Technique is designed to help the body release its stored tensions. With the person fully clothed and lying down, the practitioner carries out a series of tests to locate the exact sites of body stress, and determines the precise directions in which the lines of tension exist. This is done by applying light pressure to various points on the body, and observing muscular responses. In this way, the body acts as a biofeedback mechanism, supplying the information required.
The practitioner then applies a light but definite pressure, in the exact directions necessary to encourage the body to release the stored tension.
When the locked-in stress is released, there is a return of the normal life energy flow – this may occur immediately, or gradually, in stages, depending on how long the tension has been present in the body. As this is a process a minimum of 3 appointments will be setup initially. The first session typically lasts approximately one hour, while follow-up sessions are between 30 to 45 minutes.
Most people who seek BSR are looking for relief from pain, stiffness or other discomfort. BSR has a broader objective- it is concerned with assisting the body in maintaining health. To promote efficiency of body function we need to keep ourselves free from stored tension. To prevent body stress from accumulating, it makes sense to be assessed regularly, before problems arise. Clients experiencing relief from long term pain or discomfort are highly motivated to continue with maintenance to prevent the problem reoccurring.